
Support Big On Beagles (Charitable Registration #856968458RR0001)

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Thank you for your thoughtful Support!
Every penny that you donate goes directly towards the needs of the beagles in our care.
Our primary focus is the rescue of senior beagles, those with serious and often chronic health issues, those requiring emergency life-saving surgeries, and those suffering from emotional and physical trauma.
Your support means so much to these dogs. Because of you, they get nothing but the highest quality medical care, premium food, and those creature comforts every dog deserves to enjoy but especially makes a difference to an abandoned dog in crisis.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for this kindness.
It means the world to us and to the dogs we're here to save - year after year.

To Make a DONATION to our Beagles, or to Set Up a MONTHLY GIFT via CANADA HELPS, please use our Canada Helps Donation Form below!





*In 2019, we received a Bequest making it possible to purchase a trailer for fundraising events


from our e-blast on April 23, 2022... 


It's Tax Season down at Ye Olde Beagle Repair Shop.

I hate tax time. Not gonna lie. I've never been good with numbers.

Thank goodness for calculators!


But handy adding devices aside, I've been chained to my desk the whole week long moaning and groaning over spreadsheets soon required by my ever so patient and understanding accountant.

Figures and Dollar Signs are madly spinning around in my head.

I'd rather be patting a beagle.

But it's part of running a charity, isn't it?


And the fact of the matter is, the very heart of the matter is that when all is said and done (and entered!), my heart is always filled with gratitude. To the point of tears really.


I may start with the Expense Report and shiver at the calculations as I go,

but when I get to the Income Report…that shock is replaced by awe.

The awe of YOU, no matter how corny that sounds.


But I'm getting ahead of myself here.

The purpose of my eblast today is to share my thanks to so many, starting with my own beagles --- including the one in the office window.


Neal & the Gang have been so patient with me. Every so often, I'd turn my head from my computer screen and say "We'll go for a Walk very soon! I promise!" They'd sigh and fall back asleep because they know better during Tax Season.


Rest assured, I did get them out for walkies this past week and I even squeezed in an emergency trip to hospital when Seven somehow traumatized his already traumatized/decaying lower canine tooth, spending an hour holding his paw while his veterinary team took turns applying pressure to stop the bleeding! That was one for the history books, I tell ya. And I thought I'd seen it all.


But back to the other books. Seven is doing well, not to worry. I suppose being the new foster guy in, he felt compelled to test the extent of my love and how better than by initiating a full blown medical emergency with lots of BLOOD. I think I've satisfied him completely.


So yes, my thanks goes out to my lovely beagles for hanging in there. Little do they know, they'll soon be playing in the mud at Wildwood Park for our Muddy Beagle Bunny Hop Meetup on Sunday! Gotta make it up to them somehow! I'm bringing plenty of towels!


Second on the Thank You list is my rescue partner, Deanna Barkhouse, for always being just a panicky text away when I need to solve a tax receipt mystery! Speaking of texts, Deanna and my other rescue partner, Erica Murray, really calmed the waters for me with their emotional support messages while I was holding Seven's paw with my other hand in hospital Thursday night. Bless you both!


Next on my list is someone I thank to myself every year. A former foster parent, an adopter of a BOB beagle, a friend in Rescue, and someone with a brain for biz! She taught me everything I needed to know about good bookkeeping!!! I'll never forget that trip to Staples those many years ago as she confidently threw essentials into my shopping cart, explaining along the way while I frantically took notes.


Jen Lementi, you continue to be the voice of reason in my head every year. I still use the very same blue milk crate for holding my files! And my original COPY stamp still works! I love my COPY stamp. How long do they last???

Anyway, I'll always be thankful to you for making this nasty bit of business a little less nasty.


That leads me to that patient accountant of mine who I'm sure is just as grateful to Jen for teaching me about spreadsheets. We go way back, when we both worked in the second floor offices at the Toronto Humane Society - Tim being in the Accounting Department and me being in the Fundraising Department down the fur-clad hall. And look at us now?!! Me saving beagles for a living and Tim running his own successful accounting business and always giving me the "Rescue rate" and a regular scolding for spending too much on vet bills.

God Bless Tim!


And last but you know…NEVER least, my thanks to YOU -

the reason my Income Report turned the sticker shock horror of my Expense Report into AWE.


So yeah, we spent a lot of moolah again last year, close to $70K --- veterinary costs being the lion's share as always!!!

Surprisingly enough, it wasn't as bad as the year before which was close to a staggering $100K!

I'm still shaking my head over that record breaking year.


Lord knows I worry about money. We take on tough cases. Beagles that need lots of veterinary support and we all know pet health care is costly. But I must say that I wouldn't trade our partner veterinary clinics for the world. They do their best to keep our costs down while not compromising on the stellar care our beagles receive year after year. They know we will spend whatever is necessary for the well-being and long-term good health of our homeless howlers. I think that's why they are all so good to us.


But back to YOU. We still have to pay those all important vet bills and you make that possible time and time again, whether it's to cover initial diagnostics for a newbie, essential surgeries, ongoing care for chronic issues with our long-termers, or (ahem) emergencies like Seven's and like (((sigh))) Algernon's back in January. I shudder to think what this year's Expense Report is gonna look like. But we'll worry about that when we get to it.


In this moment, I'm celebrating another year of survival and in a pandemic no less.

Not only surviving but THRIVING.

Our beagles THRIVE because of you.


The Income Report? Over $75,000 in support!!! That's YOU!!! All YOU!!! Your donations throughout 2021 added up to that incredible amount! And you know what THAT did? It saved some very deserving beagles. And it continues to do that.


Never forget the value of your gift to our beagles, no matter the size.

Like I always say, each dollar is like a heartbeat…no matter how corny that sounds.


Marna & the Gang at








We know you're a class act!
Help us continue our special work on behalf of Homeless Howlers!
Become a Monthly BOBefactor today
and we'll be honoured to add your picture to our HOWL of Fame
Thank You

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No room at home to foster a beagle? You can still make a HUGE impact by financially supporting our special work! BIG ON BEAGLES is pleased to offer a secure on-line donation service! You can make a secure, on-line tax-deductible monthly or single donation to our little howlers any time of year through our Giving Page on the reputable Canada Helps site! If your gift is a tribute to a beagle or a person in your life, you can indicate that in the message space provided so we can send an aknowledgement card to that special someone. On behalf of our little howlers, thank you so very much for supporting our efforts!

Of course, if you prefer to send your gift the old-fashioned way, you're more than welcome to mail your cheque (or a series of post-dated cheques for Monthy Support) made payable to:

*Just send us an email to to give us a heads up so we can thank you and provide you with our mailing address! 

(If you're making a donation In Honour or In Memory of a beloved beagle, do let us know as we would be happy to send an acknowledgement card to the recipient! Please note that BOB is a fully registered charity and can therefore issue tax receipts for all monetary donations made through paypal, cheque, e-transfer, or automatically on-line via our Canada Helps Giving Page - just scroll back up to the top of this page for our embedded Canada Helps donation form. THANK YOU!)

You'll be putting a wag back in a beagle's tail!

Please help us continue to put the wag back into the tails of beagles in need by making a donation TODAY! You can now make your donation through our Canada Helps customized Giving Page without leaving our site! See the embedded donation form below to make a secure on-line tax-deductible gift to our homeless howlers! THANK YOU!

Here's yet another way you can support B.O.B's Homeless Howlers just by walking your own Beagle! 

Upload the ResQWalk App to your iphone or android phone and start walking for Big On Beagles Rescue!!! 

Click on the beagle to visit the ResQWalk site!